Urban Renewal . . . Car Wars Style!
Welcome back to beautiful downtown Midville! fans who enjoyed their visit to the "toughest little town in America," as presented in , now have twice as much town to play in. This set contains 31 vehicle counters (including two more police cruisers, and a new tractor and trailer for you truckers), an 8" × 14" rule-and-scenario sheet, and two 21" × 32" map sections. These combine into the 32" × 42" map of "East Midville" . . . which in turn connects to the Midville map from Crash City to form a truly mammoth (42" × 64") Car Wars map!
With more maps, new counters, and four new scenarios, this set is perfect for the Car Wars fan who wants a truly BIG game.
The supplement was originally printed on oversized paper, so this PDF contains two formats: the original size, for those with access to oversize printers, and modified versions that span multiple regular sheets.
Written by Steve Jackson