Cliff’s Bugger Beast Jr. is a perfect “big fly” fly box for pontoon boats or float tubes. It is small enough to fit into the side pockets of most of pontoon boats or float tubes yet it holds tons of large flies with ease.
The blue split foam on the inside of the Bugger Beast Jr. is ideal for lots of streamers, winter steelhead, or bass flies and allows you to pack a ton of flies in the box without wasted space or tails hanging out of the box when closed. To insert flies into the box, simply push the hook “hook bend first” into the foam. Cliff’s special foam material holds the hook very well and doesn’t get torn up over years of use.
The outside of the Bugger Beast Jr. is tough plastic with solid hinges and solid closures. You can even put padlocks on it to keep your fishing buddies from stealing your flies!
- Weight: 13.8 ounces
- Size: 10.5 x 8.5 x 3 inches